SITUATION In December 2020, SiDU implemented its “Ayo Menulis” movement to encourage students and parents surrounding the importance of writing. This is because of the rising trend of online schooling and learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, where children are no longer used to writing with their pencils/pens and books. Meanwhile, it is highly important for a child’s learning process and motoric skills to continue writing and not only relying on gadgets to type.
STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION – Occam assisted SiDU in conducting an educational Webinar, involving spokespersons from the Ministry of Education and Culture, a child Psychologist, a mother and child for testimonial presence, and from the brand. – The event did not only invite the media via Zoom, but also general public which they joined via YouTube Live, as the Zoom Webinar was also relayed on SiDu’s YouTube for the ”Ayo Menulis” campaign. – There were also door prizes given to the audience for those who registered their attendance to Occam and stayed until the end if the event.
RESULT – The event was participated by 94 participants, comprising of 25 media and 20 parent community members, generating more than 30 news coverage from various prominent media houses. – This also received countless positive feedback and enthusiasm, in which a lot of the media gave comments and threw relevant questions during the Q&A session.